Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Red and Processed Meats Linked With Colon Cancer Risk

I really like to eat meat, mostly beef and pork, lamb etc. I don't count as a meal if there isn't any sort of meat in the table(at least 'spam' should be prepared!). My parents have always told me to eat less meat than now for my health, but I kept on saying that the amout I eat isn't that much(not much to me only...). But when I say this article which introduces a study that eating large amount of red and processed meat will make 34% increase of cancer possibility than those who don't eat red meat that much, I got a bit worried because I was actually eating meat a bit more than the recommended amount.

I think that for some people like me(who enjoys eating meat) it is hard to cut off the amount of meat eating per day. So in this article it gives a way to lessen the possibility of cancer while cutting the amount of meat eating progressively, "to add more vegetables and fruits during meal". Well, since I eat a lot of 'Kimchi' when I eat meat I'm not sure whether it will be able for me to do so.

Although many people and many articles tell us to lessen the amount of intake of meat, It's very hard for me to be motivated to lessen the amout I eat. Do you guys have any good idea for me???

1 comment:

  1. I'm really skeptical as to how important this is.

    How many people actually develop colon cancer? Is a 17% increase in this number significant? There are a lot of other factors that affect whether or not someone gets cancer; how well were the researchers able to isolate the red-meat factor? If you can reduce your risk by 45% simply by having a healthy lifestyle, won't you be able to continue to eat meat and end up with a net gain?

    These are the kind of questions you should be asking (and if possible, answering too) in your post!
