Thursday, May 19, 2011

An interesting book I read :)

Have you read the book "You just don't understand-women and men in conversation" written by Dborah Tannen? There is a Korean version, too "남자를 토라지게 하는 말, 여자를 화나게 하는말". After reading it, I found that it had been at the top for eight months during its four years on the Times' bestseller list. Consisting of the ten chapters, the book is about language and gender describing how men and women grow up and live in a different world using "genderlect". They interpret what they are saying based on their own world view, which leads in to troubles between men and women. It has a lot of intersting anecdotes which remind of my real experiences and I think you will do so if you read this book. You might think that it is not just gender differnce which makes misunderstanding between each other. Rather you think there are innumerable other influences such as ethnicity, religion etc, which was also asssumed by the author. But I think it will be good to have an opportunity to know why we don't understand each other in terms of gender. This will be helpful not only for couples but also for the relationship between men and women like coworkers. I wanted to write the story in detail and some of the examples that I thought were quite fun to talk, but maybe it would reduce your curiosity about the book. So I didn't. I hope you also enjoy this book.


  1. It is an interesting notion that - men and women grow up and live in a different world using "genderlect." This fundamental difference may explain why men and women understand differently even when they hear the same thing. I think this idea is becoming popular with the advent of Korean program "Rollercoaster." Understanding the difference between how men and women talk would certainly help making better relationships.

  2. There is obviously difference between men and women. As you said, men and women grow up in a different world. And social convention, culture, religion also make them different. The social roles of them are also different. We had better recognize and understand the difference. After that, we can solve some problems in a way of language.

  3. It sure that we should know man and woman understanding the world is different. If we ignore this truth and meet various people, we might be is some problem while communicating. I also try to be careful when talking with girls too!
