Saturday, April 30, 2011

A play I have recently saw "Radio Time".

I watched a play presented by Sogang University Communication Division, named "Radio Time". The original play's name is "Welcom Back Mr. Mcdonald." I have wrote a short review.

The play itself was interesting and fun to watch. The actors acting were actually very professional. But the first part of the play seemed to be a bit boring. When the first scene is started the actors seemed a bit nervous and unprepared. When the play went along, they seem to be more natural and confident. Also, they seemed to be a bit over exaggerating at some points. I have not seen the original movie “Welcome Back Mr. Mcdonald”, but I assume that the actors have well expressed the original characters. The fact that the setting is in a radio studio, it was interesting to see the actors interact with each in such a closed area. Moreover, it is astonishing to know that each character has different personality. Mary Jane is played by once famous, stubborn and arrogant actress. She wants everything in her own way. The actor playing Mr. Mcdonal is passionate and hard working. The drama producers show different personalities as well. It was fun to see the team work of people with different personality to complete the drama on such a short time. Lastly, the play can also be thought of reminding the good old days where radio was the essential method of broadcasting. Overall, Radio Time is a warmhearted, humor mixed play depicting odd behaviors of the world of radio broadcasting. I never heard a radio drama but it was an eye-opening experience to know how radio dramas are made.

Watching the poor original screen writer be forced to change her scenario was sad. The power of the actress playing Mary Jane was immense. The screen writer has to surrender to the demand of the actress. This depicts how powerful people abuse their power to achieve their goal. This shows the sad reality of our life. In this sense, this play can be sorted as a black comedy. There are many humorous situations but if you think once more, it is not fun but a bit gloomy.

In conclusion, I liked the format of the play and the acting was good. However by watching the weak surrender to the strong was sad. If the producers didn’t surrender to the offer of Mary Jane, the play would have been much better. Radio Time is an entertaining, human drama which leaves people to laugh and think at the same time. I would recommend this play to other classmates.

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