Monday, April 25, 2011

Part-Time Jobs

I decided to write about college students and part-time jobs because for the last couple of days I've been doing some part-time translation job and was wondering if this is has a positive or negative effect on my studies. Ever since my admission to Sogang, I have always had a part time job, such as teaching, working at a cafe, and translation. The reason why I took on a job in the first place was because my parents decided not to give me allowance when I turned eighteen. Even though this was fairly rare among Korean students, I thought it would be a good experience and eventually have a positive effect on me. I thought it would help me become more independent, become more aware of my spendings, save up more, and get ready for the managing a real job later on. The last one about better managing a real job later on, I wouldn't know since I am still in school. However, as for the other positives influences I thought a part time job would have on me, I actually think the disadvantages outweighed the benefits.

Of course, I could say that I became more aware of my spendig habits. However, I found myself spending much more than I used to and saving even less than before. In addition to these disadvantages, I think the biggest problem with having a part-time job is the effect it has on school. I think that when we are in school, it is better to focus on school. Though having a job has benefits, I think it can actually act as a distraction.

Many people criticize today's young generation because we are too dependent on our parents. However, I think for a college student learning should be the first priority. I am, in no way, suggesting that college students shouldn't work at all. I think intership programs that allow you to experience the real work environment and help you to find your interests are great. In other words, I think the purpose of the job is actually more important than whether or not you have a job. I think it is great for college students to take on internships during the vacation and gaining hands-on experience. However, managing school and work at the same time, I think have more disadvantages than advantages.

This is just my personal opinion. I ended up writing about this because for the last couple days, trying to meet a deadline for work while also having to study for the midterms really troubled me. What do you guys think of college students having part time jobs? Do you think it should encouraged?

1 comment:

  1. Well...if CGPA is not this important for getting jobs, work experience is very good for us.
