While I did yesterday's reading assignment, the part "be wary of first impressions" really got me to think.
How important is 'first impression' and to what extent?
It is true that the first impressions we get at the moment of first encounter on anyting, affect us greatly.-They easily take over your mind and constantly makes you think, react, and behave in the similar way and it's really hard to change your attitude.
When I look back myself, I think I have missed many chances due to my 'first impressions' on many things and the followed bias that led me to behave in certain ways.
For example- certain movies, after I saw the trailers or advertisements, I thought they were not the type of movies I prefer to watch and skipped them.
Some movies, I thought the storyline was so cliche and my perceptions even progressed to a negative feeling about those movies; that they were not good movies. A Few years later I happened to see those movies by chance and actually found out that they weren't so bad after all. Some of those movies, surprisingly, were very entertaining for me and now they are even one of my favorite movies.
I Even had similar experience with my friend. One of my friends, when I first saw her, I thought it would be the most likely that we become close friends. I didn't have bad feelings about her, but we seemed to have 'nothing' in common; Her ideas were so mature, she was always hard working and seemed to excell on any given work, and she reacted so cool on any situations or frustrating events. And I seemed to be everything BUT all those. Then one day we had a chance to chat a little and found out that no matter how different we seemed (and we were), we were connected very well anyways.
Now, she is one of my closest and most dependable friends.
What I have wrote are situations that I do 'realize' because my impressions and behaviors changed. There are sure to be many chances - either finding a good book, chance to be good friends with someone, trying new things, etc - that I have let go
and not even notice until now, because I clung on to my narrow first impressions which are not even very reliable ideas.
(Writing all this, I feel like such a fool. Too much affected by first impressions and so biased! :b)
First impressions seemed to have affected me my whole life.
I think everyone had similar experiences on first impressions somehow.
Like the main point of the class, it can prevent you from producing and accepting better ideas.So as the book suggests, we should "be wary of first impressions".
But no matter how hard one tries to be aware of his/her first impressions, I think everyone is bound to be affected by first impressions to some degress and its power controlling your mind is not so small.
Below are some cartoon cuts that I've found on the internet.
See how the cartoon characters react to the idea of 'first impression'.
(I thought it was so funny that the Asian businessman bowed in very low position, to make good first impression to his clients)

source) http://www.titusconsultingllc.com/services.html

source) http://www.cartoonstock.com/directory/f/first_impression.asp